First 1000 days
LINK tedtalk Deedee Yates - Nambia
- Can a strong start help us build a more equal society?
- Science of brain development is telling us
- Born with all our 100billion brain cells but connections between brain cells established in first years of life - synapsis.
- Newborn brain uses 97% energy that child takes, in 4 year old brain - 44%.
- Poor nutrition, lack of stimulation, violence = poorer health, lower success in school & life.
- Interventions work - above intervention closed the gap within 24months
- Home visits, nutrition packages, (home visits had most beneficial effect - parental interaction brain stimulation)
- Flexibility, plasticity and potential for growth at it's highest first 1000 days of life.
- Young infants respond the most to stong geometric shapes in black and white.
- We are biologically programmed to respond to our babies in positive way.
- Kanohi ki te kanohi - baby talk universal. Ahuru mōwai - little paradise.
- Children need human face vs technology.
- Early investments/interventions most successful.
- Nutrition programmes, home visits with at-risk families, mothers' groups, preschools subsidised.
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