
Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Pick-a-path stories go digital

Amazing tool for narrative writing. 
Planning / building the many paths develops computational thinking.
I loved the example below the student writing a short novella!
I can see why you may prefer the multi-choice format of forms vs hyper-linking using google slides.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Digital Fluency Intensive DFI #4 - Collaborate / Sites

Modes of engagement

  • Multi modal Sites - have a range of media / activities to cater for learning styles or what will attract a variety of learners.
  • Multi textual
Websites with links to a variety of sites that students can use to explore further.
Wonderopolis May be at a better level and more engaging for my learners than Kiwi Kids News.
Great safe way for them to practise writing search questions.

Multi Textual Reading 

  • Provide "Main" text
  • Add complimentary text - to build up knowledge (go wide)
  • Scaffolding text - glossaries or Junior Journal, unpack etc
  • Extension - in-depth text focussed on one element 
  • Student choice - pick a text (boxes of books provided or websites)
  • Additional texts - videos/images "multi modal"
Plan and create a multi-textual / multi-modal reading lesson.   

Really excited about using the Mutli-textual model to extend and scaffold my readers. Really relevant as we have just started reading The BFG and I was wanting ideas on engaging my learners and helping them access and understand the text more. Some need basic comprehension skills and some are ready for extension and exploring concepts and themes with more depth

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Digital Fluency Intensive #3 CREATE

Use Google Earth as a writing prompt.

 Use 2D/3D view to change view.

Use voyager themes  - see left side options. 
 Schools around the world.

Cultures around the world with sound bites for greetings.

Use Earth Studio to animate your journey.

        link   Example of Earth Studio. 

                                                           Earth Engine - Time Lapses

  • Student Blogs have link to Google Earth on the side - USE IT!


Principal from Hornby High writes regularly on how his school transformed through create pedagogy.

The HeArt of the Matter

Note - Arts education was neglected in schools before the advent of National Standards. Post WW2 - The Gordon Tovey Scheme put art specialists/advisors in schools around NZ to develop creativity and evolve education system from the rote-learning style of previous era. The Tovey scheme also brought in bi-cultural content to schools with contemporary Māori artists teaching Māori art concepts such as kōwhaiwhai etc. It was when the funding for these art advisors was ended, that creativity subsequently came to be neglected in schools. 

Youtube Channel for sharing your playlists with learners: 

Helps keep learners cyber safe with no pop-ups and adds and it's curated for them.

Google draw tips:

  • Use crop tool and insert photo / replace image. 
  • Word art can be effective, change font,  fill colour and border settings.
Sizing images for iMovie:
Using google slides: 

  • Teacher notes and presentation notes can be added.

Collaborative Animation using google slides

My aeroplane animation on Google Slides added to the collaborative project below. Love how we were inspired by examples of student work when creating our own animations. I see great potential for class collaborations as my class is already animating on EE.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Digital Fluency Intensive #2 - Workflow

Our Create task today is to conduct a Hangout conversation with a small group from our DFI cohort.
Our theme for discussion is to identify and reflect on the components of AKO we find in a student post from the Summer Learning Journey. I found the Fantastic Beasts posts really creative and wanted to share this one in our Hangout discussion.

I like how the practise task related to our discussions around what effective learning looks like from this morning. I also think it's worthwhile to practise using hangouts to get more comfortable using the video conferencing. It can be a little disorienting going between your presentation mode to screen sharing and then back again. You also you have to manage your mic - turning it off in a larger group conversation until you want to speak.

I used Quicktime to record our video conference, however as I'm still learning there's no sound on the recording. So I've bullet pointed my reflection on Bella's blog post.

  • Learning intention identified by learner.
  • Engaging digital resources provided - great literacy / arts connection.
  • Learner is inspired to create her own Fantastic Beast
  • She is empowered by selecting her own medium - creative writing
  • Uses rich descriptive language - inspired by texts provided
  • Her teacher comments and gives feedback for extension.
  • She's connected to other learners who also completed this task in other creative ways as they leave her comments.


Ako: digital fluency teachers need to know how to use the tools, have good systems in place, THEN focus can be on learning.

Recognise - what does learning look like?
Amplify - share bring attention to
Turbocharge - with digi capabilities
Effective Practice - NZ Curriculum outlines

You spend a lot of time on it, personalise it with a theme.
Archive your old emails - no real need to delete
Label your emails - this replaces files for emails


Quicktime - used for screen recording

Search your apps: command spacebar

Remember to turn on mic on quicktime use arrow next to record button.

Share link to the hangout with colleagues:

Watch the video on how to create a google Hangout from your Calendar

Our Practise Hangout and Quicktime screen recording - no sound but notes on how to avoid this next time.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

DFI - Digital Fluency Intensive #1

   NOTES DFI Session #1   LINK

  • Devices - the device is the pencil the book is in the drive.
  • Hapara - created by Manaiakalani hackers group, now worldwide. 

Deep Dive

  • Google Groups - DFI Cohort 2019 Group is an email group.
  • Subject lines searchable, tags/labels same thing
  • Group vs Email contacts: Groups - emails remain private; Email Contacts - show all emails
  • Use Hapara for student groups - Don't create student Google Groups
  • Could make group for parents/sports group etc (however parents need google account)
  • Example tip - create a google group
  • Use Direct Add instead of Invite

Google Docs

  • Don't just copy/paste - Copy then paste without formatting!!!!!
  • Copy/Paste - good for tables
  • Use voice typing - NZ English - encourages stds to annunciate. Stds can cup hand over mic and speak closer to it. You can use a paper cup as funnel to help recording. 


  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy? I could better explain history, significance and spread of Manaiakalani. Internet tower and Hapara are interesting factoids to pass on.
  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional? Tips and short cuts for using google docs. Google groups connecting with colleagues / teams etc.
  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  Voice typing develops oral language, annunciation. It needs to be specifically taught. can't wait to get students using the above paper cup mic when voice recording. They will love it!
  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life? Formatting when copying/pasting between documents has tortured me for years. Especially when updating CVs using different programmes. As I don't have Word anymore my next CV will probably be made in Google Docs.

Friday, 9 August 2019

Using Digital Prompts and Rewindable Learning - Literacy

Students have digital prompts in front of them when writing. They can see and listen to the vocabulary again from our class discussions - Ako ano / rewindable learning.  This is increasing their use of descriptive verbs and topic words. They have been sharing their writing in a sharing circle and then after I have helped them to edit they are publishing their writing as an animation to share on their blog. As mentioned in previous post, publishing/recording edited work helps reinforce correct tense. A greater number of students are using the gifted vocabulary when it is accessible digitally - right in front of them as apposed to a word poster on wall or on the whiteboard.

Example of students' work published on individual blogs

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Toolkit - Preparing for Maniakalani Film Festival

Tips for making a film for the upcoming film festival.

  • Film Fest link - see resources page
  • Blog - students can write the caption for movie on class blog.
  • Engage learners: Use videos from resources page, reporter vid; What makes a good movie, bad movie.
  • Think about camera angles if overlaying a pre-existing film.
  • Link - Introducing the festival with my class
  • Get student input on theme, topic, characters etc.
  • Students can visualize/plan/draw scenes using templates.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Observation - Literacy / Rewindable Learning Focus

Observation with Clarelle and her year 3 class at Point England School.
I wanted to focus on Literacy and rewindable learning to increase my own abilities in providing rewindable learning.

Notes from observation:
  • New writing topic / WALT up on her writing site
  • Theme - Beach/sea, language discussion: What do you see, hear, feel, taste?
  • Turn to person next to you what do you see?
  • Digital prompt Explain Everything - beach image with playback audio.
  • Teacher has gifted great figurative language.
  • Timers: 20mins, 5minutes check-ins hold fingers up how many sentences. Next checkin how many more sentences can you write.
  • Verbal prompt: You need a Topic Sentence that tells where you are.
  • Students using the digital prompt and playback on their individual ipads. Learning is well scaffolded as digital prompt and gifted language is right in front of students. Her class were all very engaged and forming sentences easily. She mention wanting to increase the speed in which they write.
  • Sharing circle / buddied up - Speed Stories. If you’re on the outside you read your story. Fast. Then move along. How many times can we read in 5mins?
  • Teacher marks work after school and students publish it to blog on the following day. 
  • Students are publishing to their blogs quite independently.

My thoughts:
  • Great use of rewindable learning, I love how students have the writing prompts/gifted language right there in front of them. Very engaging with image/audio and easy to use.
  • Her students are publishing work to blog more independently than my students, this motivation to finish work and publish each week is something I want to enable my students to do more independently.
  • I can see potential in creating digital writing experiences that increase my students vocabulary. This with have benefits across the curriculum.
  • I'd like to add student voice/contributions when making these digital prompts for our writing lesson.

Friday, 17 May 2019

Digital Tools - Using EE to Animate Student Writing

Here are some examples from our first attempt. It was quite a process for students to follow through with. I observed some great perseverance and focus. It was powerful to show students how their writing can come to life and be entertaining for an audience. It also really fitted with our learning intention: Write one idea with lots of information; as the students had to stick to their original writing as they animated, and not go off topic.

I anticipate it will encourage students to add entertaining details to their future writing. They may write with the animation process in mind, helping them to visualise their story sequence. Publishing/reading their edited stories reinforces correct tense.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Creating Animations with Explain Everything - Tool Kit

PD with Year 3 teacher at Point England School. She has been using the animations with her class for retelling stories, animating students own text, and reflections, e.g. What have I learned in this topic?

Notes: Add to your colour plette by holding on a colour. There is a dropper also for skin colours.
Use fill-in bucket or characters will be transparent. Use lock tool to lock scale.

Video projects can be uploaded straight to new Manaiakalani blog, no need for encryption. 

Great to add to the techniques I've already been using with my class such as animating retells. Ready to take it further and get more videos to the students blog.

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Te Reo - Kura Pō

This term I have attended Kura Pō night classes to advance my reo Māori and understanding of tikanga Māori. The course was 10 weeks long with 3 hour sessions every Wednesday. I have gained more confidence using te reo Māori in the classroom with my tauira (students). I have learned about local history from Ngati Whatua. I would also like to introduce more tikanga into my classroom - such as karakia for the start/end of the day and to bless our kai. I learned waiata that can be used in my classroom. I will consider attending the level 3 course next term. Link to course info. 

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Essential Spelling List Tracking 2019

Above is whole class Essential Spelling List results from the beginning of Term 1.  I've created this tracking graph/chart to monitor shift in literacy. Excited to see the bars shirt to the right as the year progresses. 

Different style graphs can be created using: google sheets - insert - chart.