
Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Online toolkit - Math Quizzes

Tania Coutts walked us through using google slides and hyperlinking to create maths quizzes. She had great examples of students creating their own quizzes to share with classmates on their blogs. Lots of learning required for students to create, so content of quizzes needs to be familiar to students already. With regard to my Year 1-2 class I would be inclined to make the quiz myself to share with them. Perhaps sharing as a whole class activity and students can use materials to problem solve. Love the 5 minute timer on slide activities. I can see it as a great way to introduce them to word problems. Also using multiple choice answers I could guide students through agree, disagree discussion before selecting an answer. 
To just use this concept using EE would work. Students can get basic fact problems and create picture or even word problems for the classmates to solve. Adding best work to class blog is always great incentive with my students.

Link to student blog

Monday, 21 May 2018

Digi Immersion Workshops

Digi Immersion workshops with Fiona Grant and Khismira Lal of Maniakalani are super helpful.

- I'm learning to use digital tools such as Explain Everything and blogging to implement in my classroom.
- Heaps of practical advice on shortcuts, storing files, navigating the G-suit.
- Kishmira is working in the junior school like myself - it's so valuable seeing the kind of learning tasks she is designing for her students.

Group Problem Solving Approach in Maths

I have been working with Kishmira Lal through Maniakalani Digital Immersion workshops. After discussing her professional development and what DMIC looks like in her maths lessons I want to find out more.

Her Professional Blog has great examples and reflections of group problem solving in her Y1-2 class.
  • From what I’ve read, I need to consider KCs and abilities of learners for group work to be of most value.
  • I need to let my learners do more explaining.

This is a good video on Mathematic Inquiry Communities:
Learning conversations/active listening.
  • Expectations, what is active listening?
  • Repeat back what another student has said.

“The problems I write for the kids must be both achievable and sufficiently challenging. But I need to be really clear myself about the big idea I want to connect to. So knowing the number property that I want my kids to learn about is a useful starting place.”

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Setting up Blog for Professional Practice

Professional development with Greg Wong on setting-up a professional blog. Very helpful. Must add criteria for registration to blog posts.


Reading - Vocabulary - Activity etc