For term 1 2023 I am excited to take part in Te Rekamauroa to further my reo and tīkanga Māori with the intention of bringing this matauranga to my teaching practise.
My "why" for learning te reo Māori is that we live in a Māori nation and I believe we should all be speaking te reo o te whenua. As a kaiako it is my responsibility to teach te reo me tīkanga Māori, and share matauranga so all my akonga will be enabled to whanake / grow and participate in te ao Māori.
Reflections and learning from our kura whakahihiri.
Learn more about the Kingitanga as it is of significance here in the Hauraki and part of our history in Aotearoa.
Tainui Iwi: Pare Hauraki, Maniapoto,
Kupu hou:
whakahihiri / invigorate
Pouako - kaiako
Pakeke - adult
Pēpeha evolve over the years and you may take some time to settle on yours. Consider have you experienced the wahi/wai you include in your pēpeha. Consider adding a taniwha to embellish your kōrero.