Neuro-Nurturing - Brain Development in Children - Deborah McNelis M. Ed.
Like Maslow's Hierarchy - basic needs need to be met - Security, then physical and play-based experiences with added nurturing from adults are ingredients of positive brain development.
Brain has order of development:
Brainstem controlling essential bodily functions developed in full-term babies.
Next midbrain, rhymths and routines, sleep patterns etc
Lymbic System - Emotional brain / memory
Cortex - reasoning, planning, impulse control, regulate emotions.
Prefrontal Cortex not fully developed until mid 20s.
Co-regulating emotions with children, "I know that it's hard... I can see that you are angry, frustrated."
If emotions / feelings are ignored it can be totally overwhelming for young ones. Helps children learn to identify their emotions. Builds Social-Emotional Development.
Help get child back to frontal cortex - reasoning brain.
When child is crying they are asking for help they are not ready to self-regulate their emotions, they need co-regulation from you.
Children need consistency in routines AND relationships. Children know what to expect from you. Choices important. Perceived or real lack of choice causes stress on brain. However whatch out for choice fatigue :)
Play & creativity - some stress is good / challenges through play important.
Brain can only pay attention to one thing at a time.
Truly notice the positives a child is doing. Give statements to help child self-evaluate, to help child learn to self-evaluate their successes. "You look proud of that tower."